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VMU SR invites the academic community to celebrate Christmas together
The Student Representatives of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU SR) invites all members of the academic community to forget the session for a short time, take a break from work and start looking forward to the most beautiful holidays of the year. December 16th (Monday) at 6 p.m. The traditional VMU C...

VMU Student Parliament elected
December 2-4 Elections to the Student Parliament of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) took place. 50 candidates from 10 VMU faculties participated. 40 students elected to VMU Student Parliament. Student Parliament members from the Faculty of Economics and Management: Greta Šmaižytė Gabija C...

Room checks in the dormitories
On November 25th, 26th and December 5th, randomly selected rooms at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) dormitories will be inspected. November 25th 3pm: Dormitory no. 1 (Taikos Ave. 119, Kaunas) Dormitory no. 2 (Vytauto Ave. 71, Kaunas) Dormitory no. 5 (Universiteto St. 8, Akademija) ...

The L. Donskis Library will be open 24/7 during the fall exam session
The proven 24 hour library project will continue during the fall session. L. Donskis Library-Reading Room (V. Putvinskio St. 23) will be open 24 hours a day. The library-reading room will be open from 25th of November to 16th of December, on weekdays and weekends. From 9 pm, access to the library w...

Chairmen elections and general meetings will be held in VMU dormitories
After another school year, new dormitories chairmen will be elected and meetings with representatives from Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) administration and Student Representative Council (SRC) will be organized. Election of the dormitory's chairman is important to every dormitory resident becaus...

Stand for election to the Dormitory‘s Council
Vytautas Magnus University, has announced the election to the dormitory Council, which is organised in accordance to VMU Dormitory Self-government regulations. If you are living in VMU dormitory No. 2 Vytauto pr. 71 (BALTIJA), Kaunas or No. 3 A. Vivulskio g. 36 (VIVULSKIS), Vilnius or No. 5 Univesi...