Management board
Vytautas Magnus university Student council management board is the strategic council’s governing body. The Board consists of the most significant things that relate to the VMU Student representative council strategy, operational guidelines, financial and other matters.
All Board meetings are open and can be attend by every willing student. At present, the VMU Student Representative Board consists of 5 members.
Members of the Board:

Emilija Drabužinskaitė
Valdybos narė / Member of Management board

Matas Čepurna
Valdybos narys / Member of Management board

Laurynas Samajauskas
Valdybos narys / Member of Management board

Viktorija Zaveckaitė
Valdybos narė / Member of Management board

Lukas Gedvila
Valdybos narys / Member of Management board

Gustė Žukauskaitė
Valdybos narė / Member of Management board