The L. Donskis Library will be open 24/7 during the fall exam session

The proven 24 hour library project will continue during the fall session. L. Donskis Library-Reading Room (V. Putvinskio St. 23) will be open 24 hours a day. The library-reading room will be open from 25th of November to 16th of December, on weekdays and weekends.
From 9 pm, access to the library will only be possible via the patio, upon presentation of a VMU student status document (LSP, ISIC certificate or another certificate with valid verification). From 8:00 to 21:30, the library will be staffed by librarians, followed by security staff. It is important to note that from 9 pm only the library will be open, so it is strictly forbidden to go to other parts of the building (except toilets on the first floor of the building). University Library regulations are also mandatory.
“The 24 hour library provides an atmosphere where you can concentrate when it’s hard to do that in a dormitory or at home and in the evening to learn productively” says Gabriele Jonuškaitė, a student at the VMU Academy of Education.
In September, 549 respondents took part in the VMU Student Representatives Survey “VMU Library Working Hours”. Almost half of them (49.9%) said they wanted the VMU Library to be open 24 hours a day during the autumn exam session. The need for a 24 hour library was also demonstrated by the students’ active attendance at the library during the spring exam session.