VMU Student Parliament Elections begin: anyone can apply!

On November 2 the submission of applications for candidacy to the Student Parliament of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) begins. Students wishing to represent their faculty in the VMU Student Parliament by November 2 23:59 must submit an application and motivational letter by email valdyba@vdusa.lt.
What is the VMU Student Parliament?
Vytautas Magnus University Student Parliament is the highest student management body, whose members represent the students of their faculty or academy, solve emerging problems and discuss topical questions. Considers and forms the organization’s positions on the most important issues of higher education and other issues, elects or removes the VMU Student Parliament Speaker, VMU SR President, Managemet Board and Audit Commision by secret ballot, considers and approves VMU SR activity and financial reports and adjusts or submits new VMU SR documents.
It is very important that the Student Parliament, by a majority of all elected members, may request a reconsideration of the decisions made by the university self-government institutions on study issues.
Why is it worth running for parliament?
“Participation in the activities of the Student Parliament provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the current issues of the university and students of other departments. He learns to work with documents, to express thoughts in an argumentative way and to discuss, thus overcoming the fear of public speaking, – says Solveiga Skaisgirytė, the Chairwoman of the Board of VMU SA. “The Student Parliament is a place where questions importantly for you, your classmates and your faculty students, to be asked for positive change, to receive support and to monitor how that change is being implemented.”
How will the elections take place?
This year, due to COVID-19 situations, the electoral process remains the same as last year.“All you have to do is fill in the application and write a motivational statement in a free form. In which you should describe why you want to become a member of the VMU Student Parliament, what ideas you want to bring or give to students, you want to already have competencies that are useful in the activities of parliaments,” says the Chairwoman of the Board. There will be a remote voting for candidates on the Outlook platform on November 4-5. During the voting, which lasts 48 hours, each student has one vote for one candidate. Undergraduate and graduate students as well as integrated students will have the right to vote only for a representative of their faculty, third cycle students will choose their representative from all candidate of doctoral students. The students with the most votes will be elected to the VMU Student Parliament and will receive e-mails with further information.
Each faculty (according to the number of students) will be represented by the corresponding number of members of parliament:
Faculty of Economics and Management (EVF) – 6 representatives;
Faculty of Natural Sciences (GMF) – 4 representatives; Faculty of Humanities (HMF) – 7 representatives;
Faculty of Informatics (IF) – 4 representatives;
Faculty of Catholic Theology (KTF) – 3 representatives;
Faculty of Arts (MF) – 5 representatives;
Academy of Music (MA) – 3 representatives;
Faculty of Law (TF) – 4 representatives;
Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy (PMDF) – 6 representatives;
Faculty of Social Sciences (SMF) – 6 representatives;
Academy of Education (ŠA) – 8 representatives;
Academy of Agriculture (ŽŪA) – 11 representatives;
Doctoral studies – 4 representatives.
Students wishing to become members of the Student Parliament by November 2 23:59 needs to send a completed application and a free-form motivational letter by email valdyba@vdusa.lt .