Students are invited to apply for the candidacy of President of VMU SR

Every student of Vytautas Magnus University, who is interested in university students’ interests, academic and social well-being, is invited to apply for the position of President of VMU Student Representatives (SR). Requests are accepted until February 27th.
The president is elected for a one-year term. The presidents main functions are to direct and coordinate the activities of the SR, to act on behalf of VMU SR and to represent the organization without special authority, to attend the meetings of the VMU Rectorate and the Council. The Head of Representation also participates in ethics committees, convenes VMU SR parliamentary meetings, sets up working groups to perform certain duties, and so on.
“Presidential activities require responsibility and time,” says Chairwoman of the Board of VMU SA Greta Šmaižytė. – We hope that students who wish to be actively involved in the academic and social processes at university and contribute to the well-being of students will enter the electoral process and submit their candidacy.
The Presidential nomination must be supported by at least 50 students. Candidate applications with student signatures, annual activity guidelines and cover letter must be submitted to VMU SR Board by February 27th. until 5pm. Documents are accepted at VMU Student Representatives (S. Daukanto st. 27-202).