Candidate for the position of the President of VMU Student Representative Council!

On March 12th an election-reporting conference of Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation (VMU SR) will take place, during which the Vytautas Magnus University Student Parliament will elect a new President of SR for one year.
Applicants must submit a completed application, motivational letter and operational guidelines by February 19th 6 p.m. to VMU SR Board via email
“Candidates usually had to submit 50 signatures of students who support them, but this year this provision was taken out due to quarantine,” says Greta Šmaižytė, Chairwoman of the Board of VMU SR. She hopes that the current conditions of the pandemic will not reduce the desire of students to participate in the SR presidential election: “This is a great opportunity to represent VMU students not only at the university, but also at the national level, implement ideas, and aim for student well-being.”
The President of VMU SR leads the representative office and acts on behalf of the organization. Also, participates in the meetings of the Rectorate and the Council with the right to vote, delegates student representatives to the governing bodies of the university, forms working groups to address various issues, and performs other functions provided for in the Articles of Association.
Application form: