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Exam monitoring will take place during the session
After two years of quarantine and distance learning, we have returned to contact learning and live classes and settlements. In order to ensure academic integrity during the session, the VMU Student Representation organizes the observation of exams during the session and invites students to observe t...

Collecting aid to support Ukraine people
A social campaign will be held on March 28-30 at the university to gather support for the people of Ukraine. You can bring the necessary items (see the list below) to Vytautas Magnus University in the lobby of the Great Hall (S. Daukanto St. 28, Kaunas) on Monday-Wednesday from 2 pm to 8 pm. And to ...

The Student Parliament elected the President, Board and Audit Commission of VMU SRC
On March 10, the report-election conference of the Student's Representative Council of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU SRC) took place. During it, the annual activity, financial and audit commission reports of VMU SRC were presented. A new Board of VMU SRC, the Audit Commission has been elected, and...

VMU SA reporting-election conference will take place
March 10 12 p.m. The report-election conference of the Student's Representative Council of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU SRC) will take place. During it, the annual activity and financial report of VMU SRC will be presented, and the elections of the President, Board and Audit Commission of VMU SRC...

Students of Lithuanian higher education institutions urge not to be indifferent
On February 24, in the morning, the people of Ukraine found themselves in a different reality, a reality in which they have to fight for the freedom of their country and their own as well as their loved ones’ lives. The country at war with the occupiers needs the support and solidarity of all of us,...

Applications to run for the Board of VMU SA are accepted
March 10 a report-election conference of the Student Representative Council of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU SRC) will take place. During which the Student Parliament will elect the President, Audit Commission and Board of VMU SRC for a one-year term. Those wishing to become a member of the Board ...