VMU Student Parliament will meet at the meeting

April 26 2 p.m. Members of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Student Parliament will gather for the meeting. The meeting will take place live in the Small Hall of Vytautas Magnus University (S.Daukanto str. 28). Parliament’s sittings are open to the public.
- Registration of participants.
- Opening of the Student Parliament sitting.
- Approval of the secretary of the meeting.
- Elections of vote counting commision.
- Approval of protocol of previous sitting, including e-mail meetings.
- Consideration of agenda.
- Inquiry about VMU Student Social Fund. Presented by: Martynas Butkus
- Regarding the communication of Ieva Vengrovskaja. Presented by: Justas Ivanauskas
- The working group on declaring a climate emergency at university update. representative of the working group
- Regarding the announcement of the discussion of the Compulsory Exam / Colloquium / Homework and other assessments and the validity of the right to review / assess the written work. Presented by: Justas Ivanauskas
- Regarding possible additions to the document “Provisions for VMU Appeals Regarding the Assessment of the Study Result and/or Submission of the Reporting Procedure”. Presented by: Gustė Žukauskaitė
- Regarding the survey of FCT students regarding the removal of Justas Ivanauskas from the Vytautas Magnus University Student Parliament. Presented by: Justas Žukauskas ir Deimantė Auksinaitė
- Other questions.
- The closing of VMU SC Student Parliament meeting
Vytautas Magnus University Student Parliament is the highest student management body, whose members represent the students of their faculty or academy, solve emerging problems and discuss topical questions. Considers and forms the organization’s positions on the most important issues of higher education and other issues, elects or removes the VMU Student Parliament Speaker, VMU SR President, Managemet Board and Audit Commision by secret ballot, considers and approves VMU SR activity and financial reports and adjusts or submits new VMU SR documents.