VMU Student Parliament will convene for a remote meeting

A remote meeting of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Parliament will take place on October 8th at 6 p.m. Student Parliament meetings are open, so students wishing to attend can join by clicking this link.
Agenda of the meeting:
- Registration of participants
- Election of the vote counting commission
- Adoption of agenda
- The situation of the public canteen
- For incentive scholarships
- Regarding student representatives in VMU Senate
- Regarding the Statutes of VMU Student Representatives
- On the implementation of the work program
- Other questions
VMU Student Parliament is the highest governing body of the Student Representatives, consisting of representatives of faculties and academic departments, democratically elected in accordance with the VMU SR Regulations. The Student Parliament adopts, supplements and amends the VMU SR Articles of Association, procedural rules and regulations, propositions, supplements, amendments and approves resolutions, positions, other public statements of VMU SR and performs other functions in accordance with the VMU SR Articles of Association.