The newly elected Student Parliament will convene for its first remote sitting

November 22 (Monday) 7 p.m. The first sitting of the newly elected Student Parliament of Vytautas Magnus University (Vytautas Magnus University) will take place. Student representatives will participate in it remotely. Student Parliamentary sittings are open, so you can attend by clicking this link.
Agenda of the meeting:
- Registration of participants
- Opening of the Student Parliament meeting
- Confirmation of meeting agenda
- Election of the Secretary of the Meeting
- Approval of the Chairman of the meeting
- Presentation on VMU Student Parliament activities and documents (Ieva Vengrovskaja)
- Election of the Chairman of the VMU Student Parliament (Ieva Vengrovskaja)
- Regarding the Translator and Secretary of the VMU Student Parliament (Ieva Vengrovskaja)
- Discussion on the possibility for doctoral students to improve their foreign language skills (Andrius Šmitas)
- Regarding doctoral students’ scientific advisers (Andrius Šmitas)
- Regarding the direct elections of the President of VMU SA (Martynas Butkus)
- Regarding the preparation of the canteen at Putvinskio str. 23 (Martynas Butkus)
- VMU SA parliamentary election reform (Martynas Butkus)
- Regarding VMU Student Social Fund (Martynas Butkus)
- Other questions
- Closure of the Student Parliament meeting
Vytautas Magnus University Student Parliament is the highest student management body, whose members represent the students of their faculty or academy, solve emerging problems and discuss topical questions. Considers and forms the organization’s positions on the most important issues of higher education and other issues, elects or removes the VMU Student Parliament Speaker, VMU SR President, Managemet Board and Audit Commision by secret ballot, considers and approves VMU SR activity and financial reports and adjusts or submits new VMU SR documents.