The Student Parliament will meet in a remote sitting on Wednesday

On August 11 at 6:30 PM the Student Parliament of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) will convene for a remote meeting. Parliament’s sittings are open. You can join by clicking this link.

Agenda of the meeting:

  1. Registration of participants
  2. Confirmation of meeting agenda
  3. Approval of VMU SR Study programs‘ course academic group representatives regulations (M. Čepurna)
  4. Regarding the position of “Kaunas pride” (Ž. Menčenkovas)
  5. Regarding the establishment of the Student Aid Fund (Ž. Menčenkovas)
  6. Regarding the progress of the public canteen working group (E. Starodubov)
  7. Other questions
  8. Closure of the Student Parliament meeting

 Vytautas Magnus University Student Parliament is the highest governing body of the Student Representatives (SR). Its members adopt, supplement and amend the statutes, regulations and procedural rules of VMU SR. Also, members of the parliament elect and remove the President of VMU SR by secret ballot, consider and approve the activity and financial reports of VMU SR. Members of the Student Parliament are responsible for solving VMU students’ problems and answering questions.


VMU Student Parliament meeting

On May 24 at 6 PM Student Parliament of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) will take place. Student representatives will participate in it remotely. Student Parliament meetings are open, so you can attend by clicking this link.

2021 May 24, 18:00 session agenda (remote conference):

  1. Registration of participants
  2. Approval of the agenda
  3. Approval of the Regulations on the Activities of Student Representatives of the VMU SC Study Program Committees
  4. Approval of VMU SC Study Program Course representatives Regulations
  5. Regarding the formation of the working group for the direct elections of the President of VMU SC
  6. Regarding the Accountability of Student Representatives in the Senate.
  7. Regarding the progress of the paid trainees working group.
  8. Other questions
  9. Closure of the Student Parliament meeting

Vytautas Magnus University Student Parliament is the highest governing body of the Student Representatives (SR). Its members adopt, supplement and amend the statutes, regulations and procedural rules of VMU SR. Also, members of the parliament elect and remove the President of VMU SR by secret ballot, consider and approve the activity and financial reports of VMU SR. Members of the Student Parliament are responsible for solving VMU students’ problems and answering questions.

VMU SC report-election conference

VMU Student Parliament meeting

On December 15 (Tuesday) at 6 p.m. the first sitting of the newly elected Student Parliament of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) will take place. Student representatives will participate in it remotely. Student Parliament meetings are open, so you can attend by clicking this link.

2020 m. December 15 d., 18 val. session agenda (remote conference):

Delegate registration

  1. The opening of the Students parliament session
  2. The election of the Students parliament chairperson
  3. The election of the Students parliament secretary
  4. Approval of the agenda
  5. Election to Vytautas Magnus university Senate
  6. Election to the Revision committee
  7. About the Universities reorganization plan
  8. About Vytautas Magnus university Strategical plan realization
  9. Other questions
  10. The closing of the Students parliament session

Vytautas Magnus University Student Parliament is the highest governing body of the Student Representatives (SR). Its members adopt, supplement and amend the statutes, regulations and procedural rules of VMU SR. Also, members of the parliament elect and remove the President of VMU SR by secret ballot, consider and approve the activity and financial reports of VMU SR. Members of the Student Parliament are responsible for solving VMU students’ problems and answering questions.

VMU Student Parliament meeting (online)

Agenda of the meeting:

  1. Registration of participants
  2. Approval of the secretary of the meeting
  3. Adoption of the agenda of the meeting
  4. Presentation of the draft billing tracking description
  5. Discussion of the Covid-19 student support situation
  6. Implementation of the student work program
  7. Discussion of the situation of VMU SR Articles of Association
  8. Presentation of VMU distance learning situation
  9. Other questions

The meeting will take place via the ZOOM platform.

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