Real Monopoly – in the VMU’s freshman camp

Probably many has seen the movie “Jumanji” in which a tablegame became reality, but can you imagine a “live” “Monopoly”? VMU’s freshmans who attended the camp “Balanced freshman 2018” organized by Student’s Council had an opportunity to convey themselves into a city where living game figures actually walked.
During the first camp day, freshmans were divided into groups in order to get familiar with each other as well as learn working as a team. Various games and focused methods allowed not only to memorize the names or hobbies of other participants but find out more about their own personal characteristics too.
“Working in a team, I avoid expressing my ideas loudly; although, during this camp I realized how vital is everyones imput in teamwork. That’s why I bravely uttered my thoughts” – said Edita Mačiulytė, student of kindergarten and preschool pedagogy.
Later the camp turned into a city called “Fuxopoly”, where freshmans had to accomplish various tasks associated with the activity of VMU Student’s Council. They participated in an auction and were put in jail for dissobedience. “The story’s plot was intriguing and the characters managed perfectly with their roles.” – as said by Tomas Gavelis who studies creative industries.
Also, first year students could participated in meetings with VMU SC Alumni Eigirdas Sarkanas, Paulius Baltokas and Mantas Simanavičius who spoke about higher education and student’s movement, and were able to get acquainted with the university’s organizations. “Balanced freshman” – VMU SC project which has already become a tradition. Its goal is to aid first year students in integrating into the university’s society, inform them about the informal activities and making new acquaintances with students of higher courses and freshman colleagues.