Evening of acquaintance with students from abroad: about the problems, studies and favourite dishes

On February 25, Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative (VMU SC) invited students from abroad to a virtual acquaintance evening “Hello from VMU SC”. During the event, the activities of VMU SC, the Student Parliament were presented, and students were introduced to the most important information about studies and its environment. The participants of the event also had the opportunity to communicate with each other and share their problems and impressions about studying at VMU.
The members of the Social Affairs Committee, who organized the event, sought to create closer contact with students from abroad, answer their questions and talk about what is relevant and important. Participants shared interesting facts about themselves, made new friendships and said they were waiting for the meeting live as soon as the quarantine ended.
“Most of them mentioned that they really like to eat kebabs, so we agreed that after the quarantine we will look for the most delicious kebabs in Kaunas and taste them together,” says one of the event organizers Gustė Žukauskaitė. She is also happy that everyone has had the opportunity not only to have a good time, but also to share the challenges they face: “We have heard complaints about culture in dormitories and communication with lecturers, so we will try to solve them soon”.
Shaurya Jaiswal, who contributed to the organization of the event, admitted that he is most fascinated by the ideas of artes liberales and free minor studies at the university. Shaurya also confirmed his discovery in Lithuania: “My favourite dish is tinginys. I definitely recommend it to other students to try it out.”
It is planned that in the future more initiatives will be organized to establish better contact with foreign students. However, in case of a problem, we invite you to contact VMU SC any time with the following contacts:
E-mail: info@vdusa.lt
Facebook: VDU Studentų atstovybė
Instagram: @vdu_sa