Contribute to the development of student life by participating in the VMU Student Parliament elections

Submission of applications for candidacy to the highest student governing body, Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Student Parliament, begins. Students who want to represent their faculty in the VMU Student Parliament until October 26 23:59 must submit an application and a motivation letter by e-mail at
As every year, the VMU SRC Board encourages everyone to get involved in the activities of the VMU Student Parliament. VMU SRC Board Chairwoman Solveiga Skaisgirytė shares that participation in the activities of the parliament is “a great opportunity to contribute to the creation of student life, which provides an opportunity to become an active member of the VDU community, implement ideas, raise competencies and meet like-minded people”.
VitalIja, who worked in the parliament, says that at first she thought it was just one of the university’s governing bodies, but soon realized that it does much more than it looks from the side – it approves VMU SRC financial and operational reports, elects the President, Audit and Board of the aforementioned organization. “Parliament is a place where you are not afraid to raise actual problems, talk about them loudly and look for solutions. It is also a great opportunity not only to get to know the representatives of students from other academic departments, but also to take a closer look at the “inside” of the university”, – shares the representative of the Faculty of Law.
In addition to the things already mentioned, the parliament corrects or provides new VDU SA documents and approves student representatives to the university’s governing bodies. With the majority of votes of all elected members, the Student Parliament can demand a re-consideration of the decisions made by the university’s self-governing institutions on study issues.
How will the elections take place?
This year, the election procedure remains the same as before. Those who wish to run for the VMU Student Parliament must fill out an application and write a motivational letter in free form. “The submission of candidacies will take place for three weeks (until October 26, 23:59), so there is plenty of time to sign a creative and eye-catching cover letter and fill out the application form,” says Solveiga. After nominations close, on November 3-5, students will be able to vote for their faculty representatives. Elections will be held remotely, so it will be convenient for all students to participate in them by pressing just a few buttons. Every student will find information in their VMU Outlook mail with motivational letters of candidates to represent them in the Student Parliament and a unique voting link.
The chairwoman of the VDU SA Board is happy that “during the last elections, there was a lot of activity in the faculties, which were not so active, so this year we hope that all positions of student representatives from all departments will be filled by motivated students” and on behalf of the Board, she wishes success to all those participating in the elections.
Each faculty (according to the number of students) will be represented by the corresponding number of members of parliament:
Faculty of Economics and Management (EVF) – 6 representatives;
Faculty of Natural Sciences (GMF) – 4 representatives;
Faculty of Humanities (HMF) – 6 representatives;
Faculty of Informatics (IF) – 4 representatives;
Faculty of Catholic Theology (KTF) – 2 representatives;
Faculty of Arts (MF) – 4 representatives;
Academy of Music (MA) – 3 representatives;
Faculty of Law (TF) – 4 representatives;
Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy (PMDF) – 6 representatives;
Faculty of Social Sciences (SMF) – 6 representatives;
Academy of Education (ŠA) – 7 representatives;
Academy of Agriculture (ŽŪA) – 15 representatives;
Doctoral studies – 3 representatives.
Students who want to become members of the Student Parliament by October 26 23:59 must send a completed application and a free-form motivational letter to