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Student Parliament meeting: what decisions were made
On the 11th of October, Vytautas Magnus University’s (VMU) students were invited to the Faculty of Economics and Management, where the open meeting of the VMU Parliament was taking place. During the meeting, the project of the Student Representatives’ Council’s regulations and the student representa...

Students swear to be academically fair
Over the course of last week, Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative’s Council (VMU SRC) organised an initiative titled “I promise myself not to cheat!’’ and invited students to sign a declaration dedicated to academic honesty. The document made its’ way through all of the faculties and w...

Real Monopoly – in the VMU’s freshman camp
Probably many has seen the movie “Jumanji” in which a tablegame became reality, but can you imagine a “live” “Monopoly”? VMU’s freshmans who attended the camp “Balanced freshman 2018” organized by Student’s Council had an opportunity to convey themselves into a city where living game figures actuall...

Has student’s movement lost its meaning?
On 24 of August, delegates of VMU Student’s Representatives Council attended at the 19th assembly “Together Forward” of Lithuania Student‘s Union (LSU). Student’s Representatives from all of Lithuania discussed at the conference, taking place at Klaipėda‘s University, about the meaning of student’...