April 27 extraordinary session of parliament

April 27 at 7 p.m. an extraordinary parliamentary session of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation (VDU SA) will be held. During it, two members will be elected to the vacated position in the VDU SA Board.

The board is a strategic advisory management body of the Student Representative Office of Vytautas Magnus University (VDU SA), which approves the annual plan of the representative office, determines the strategic directions of the organization and carries out other activities defined by the VDU SA Work.

The desire to become members of the Board was expressed by:

Get to know the candidates in more detail and ask them tasks during the meeting.

1. Registration.
2. Opening of the VMU Student Parliament meeting.
3. Election of the Secretary of the meeting.
4. Election of the counting committee.
5. Adoption of the agenda.
6. Removal of Student Parliament members from the VMU Student Parliament.
Presented by: Monika Ražauskaitė
7. Presentation of the candidates for the VMU SA Board, questions and elections.
Presented by: Monika Ražauskaitė
8. Other issues
9. Closing of the VMU Student Parliament meeting.

The parliamentary session will be held in S. Daukant street. 27, in the 404th auditorium.

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