VMU Student Parliament Elections begin: become a part of change!

On October 26th the submission of applications for candidacy to the Student Parliament of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) begins. Students wishing to represent their faculty in the VMU Student Parliament by November 16th 23:59 must submit an application and motivational letter by email valdyba@vdusa.lt.
Vytautas Magnus University Student Parliament is the highest governing body of the Student Representatives (SR). Its members adopt, supplement and amend the statutes, regulations and procedural rules of VMU SR. Also, members of the parliament elect and remove the President of VMU SR by secret ballot, consider and approve the activity and financial reports of VMU SR . Members of the Student Parliament are responsible for solving VMU students’ problems and answering questions.
On the proposal of the President, the Student Parliament approves student representatives to the VMU Senate, faculty councils, dispute resolution commission and other VMU institutions. It is very important that the Student Parliament, by a majority of all elected members, may request a reconsideration of the decisions made by the university self-government institutions on study issues.
“Participation in the activities of the Student Parliament is not only a good way to realize yourself and your ideas, but also to become a part of change,” says Greta Šmaižytė, Chairwoman of the Board of VMU SR. “You have the opportunity to see up close what is happening at the university, how decisions are made, to discuss and represent the students of her faculty.” She emphasizes that freshmen can also apply boldly. In addition, you do not need to be a member of VMU SR in order to be actively involved in the activities of the Student Parliament.
G. Šmaižytė says that due to the situation caused by COVID-19, the electoral procedure changes slightly: “This year it will not be necessary to collect the signatures of the students of our faculty. It will be enough to fill in the application and write a motivational letter in a free form. ”According to the Chairperson of the Board, the order of the elections themselves will not change: the elections will take place from 18th of November on the Outlook platform and will continue for 48 hours. Each student will have one vote for one candidate. Undergraduate and graduate students as well as integrated students will have the right to vote only for a representative of their faculty. In the elections to the VMU Student Parliament, the students elected to the VMU Student Parliament are those students who have received the most votes in favor.
Each faculty (according to the number of students) will be represented by the corresponding number of members of parliament: Faculty of Economics and Management (EVF) – 6 representatives; Faculty of Natural Sciences (GMF) – 4 representatives; Faculty of Humanities (HMF) – 7 representatives; Faculty of Informatics (IF) – 4 representatives; Faculty of Catholic Theology (KTF) – 3 representatives; Faculty of Arts (MF) – 5 representatives; Academy of Music (MA) – 3 representatives; Faculty of Law (TF) – 4 representatives; Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy (PMDF) – 6 representatives; Faculty of Social Sciences (SMF) – 6 representatives; Academy of Education (ŠA) – 8 representatives; Academy of Agriculture (ŽŪA) – 11 representatives.
Students wishing to become members of the Student Parliament by November 16th 23:59 nedd to send a completed application and a free-form motivational letter by email valdyba@vdusa.lt .