VMU SR Board Elections

On February 12th Members of the Board of VMU SR will be elected during the regular report-election conference of the Student Representatives of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU SR).
The Board ensures the implementation of resolutions adopted by the VMU Student Parliament, deliberates and adopts resolutions on all issues of VMU SR within its competence: and announce the results, discuss VMU SR operational and financial issues, etc.
VMU SR Board consists of 7 members elected by the VMU Student Parliament. It is elected for a term of one year (the number of terms is unlimited for the same person). The Board may be composed of individuals who are members of VMU SR, volunteers, honorary members and / or Alumni. Nominations must be supported by 5 Student Parliament members.
Persons wishing to apply for the VMU SR Board must submit their application to the President of VMU SR by 9th of March until 12 pm.