Two candidates will apply for the position of President of VMU SA

On March 12th Vytautas Magnus University Student Representatives (VMU SR) will hold a Reporting and Election Conference. The VMU Student Parliament will also elect the new head of the SR. Two candidates have applied for the presidency this year – Tomas Bacevičius, a third year student of the Political Science and Diplomacy Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, and Paulius Vaitiekus, a fourth year student of the Biotechnology study program of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
The President is a single-person governing body elected for a term of one year. He acts on behalf of VMU SR, convenes and chairs VMU Student Parliament meetings, participates in VMU Rectorate, VMU Council meetings with decisive voting rights, delegates VMU SR members to VMU institutions with decisive voting rights, sets up working groups to perform certain duties, etc.
Candidate for President of VMU SR Tomas Bacevičius Activity Guidelines and Cover Letter.
Candidate for President of VMU SR Paulius Vaitiekus Activity Guidelines and Cover Letter.
The candidates will meet during the debate on March 4th. at 4 pm at the Faculty of Economics and Management (S. Daukantas st. 28, Kaunas), room 404. VMU SR Reporting and Election Conference will be held on March 12th. at 12 pm at Vytautas Magnus University Small Hall (S. Daukantas st. 28, Kaunas).