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VMU Student Parliament: discussion of the most relevant issues and the election of the chairman
At the first meeting of the newly elected Vytautas Magnus University Student Parliament, representatives of faculties, academies and doctoral students got acquainted with the activities of the parliament and the most important documents regulating the work of the parliament. The speaker of the parli...

The newly elected VMU Student Parliament will gather for a meeting
November 24 (Thursday) at 7 p.m. the newly elected VMU Student Parliament will gather for its first meeting, which will be held in the auditorium 101 at S. Daukanta St. 28. The sittings of the Parliament are open, so everyone can come to this sitting. Sitting agenda: 1. Registration of participant...

VMU Student Parliament has been elected
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) students elected representatives of their faculties in the VDU Student Parliament. 50 students applied to participate in the elections, 48 of them were elected to represent the students of their faculty. Solveiga Skaisgirytė, Chairwoman of the Board of the VMU Stude...

Contribute to the development of student life by participating in the VMU Student Parliament elections
Submission of applications for candidacy to the highest student governing body, Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Student Parliament, begins. Students who want to represent their faculty in the VMU Student Parliament until October 26 23:59 must submit an application and a motivation letter by e-mail ...

VMU Student Parliament discussed the upcoming parliamentary elections and student representatives in the VMU Senate
September 15 The parliamentarians gathered for the remote Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Student Parliament meeting discussed the election of student representatives in the VMU Senate and the new temporary VMU Student Parliament election procedure. 5 new senators were elected by electronic voting ...

The VMU Student Parliament will hold a remote meeting
September 15 5:30 p.m. a remote sitting of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Parliament will take place. The sittings of the Parliament are open to the public and can be accessed by clicking on this link. Online meeting agenda Registration of participants Opening of the Student Parli...